
Symmetry operations as functions on vectors or arrays.

class SymOp(R, t)

The transformation of coordinates to a symmetry-related position.

The SymOp operation involves rotation and translation in cell coordinates.

  • R (ndarray) – The 3x3 matrix of rotation for this symmetry operation.
  • t (ndarray) – The vector of translation in this symmetry operation.

The 3x3 matrix of rotation pertaining to unit cell coordinates. This may be identity, simple rotation, improper rotation, mirror or inversion. The determinant of R is either +1 or -1.


The translation of cell coordinates applied after rotation R.


Return symmetry-related position for the specified coordinates.

Parameters:vec (ndarray) – The initial position in fractional cell coordinates.
Returns:ndarray – The transformed position after this symmetry operation.

Implement the (self == symop) test of equality.

Return True when self and symop difference is within tiny round-off errors.


Check if this SymOp is an identity operation.

Returns:boolTrue if this is an identity operation within a small round-off. Return False otherwise.
class SpaceGroup(number=None, num_sym_equiv=None, num_primitive_sym_equiv=None, short_name=None, point_group_name=None, crystal_system=None, pdb_name=None, symop_list=None)

Definition and basic operations for a specific space group.

Provide standard names and all symmetry operations contained in one space group.

  • number (int) – The space group number.
  • num_sym_equiv (int) – The number of symmetry equivalent sites for a general position.
  • num_primitive_sym_equiv (int) – The number of symmetry equivalent sites in a primitive unit cell.
  • short_name (str) – The short Hermann-Mauguin symbol of the space group.
  • point_group_name (str) – The point group of this space group.
  • crystal_system (str) – The crystal system of this space group.
  • pdb_name (str) – The full Hermann-Mauguin symbol of the space group.
  • symop_list (list of SymOp) – The symmetry operations contained in this space group.

A unique space group number. This may be incremented by several thousands to facilitate unique values for multiple settings of the same space group. Use number % 1000 to get the standard space group number from International Tables.


The number of symmetry equivalent sites for a general position.


The number of symmetry equivalent sites in a primitive unit cell.


The short Hermann-Mauguin symbol of the space group.


The point group to which this space group belongs to.


The crystal system of this space group. The possible values are "TRICLINIC", "MONOCLINIC", "ORTHORHOMBIC", "TETRAGONAL", "TRIGONAL" "HEXAGONAL", "CUBIC".


The full Hermann-Mauguin symbol of the space group.


A list of SymOp objects for all symmetry operations in this space group.

Type:list of SymOp

Iterate over all symmetry operations in the space group.

Yields:SymOp – Generate all symmetry operations for this space group.

Check if given name matches this space group.

Parameters:name (str or int) – The space group identifier, a string name or number.
Returns:boolTrue if the specified name matches one of the recognized names of this space group or if it equals its number. Return False otherwise.

Generate symmetry equivalent positions for the specified position.

The initial position must be in fractional coordinates and so are the symmetry equivalent positions yielded by iteration. This generates num_sym_equiv positions regardless of initial coordinates being a special symmetry position or not.

Parameters:vec (ndarray) – The initial position in fractional coordinates.
Yields:ndarray – The symmetry equivalent positions in fractional coordinates. The positions may be duplicate or outside of the 0 <= x < 1 unit cell bounds.